Benetas is a purpose driven aged and community services organisation with a Christian and social justice heritage. Benetas is committed to supporting Diversity and Inclusion for both the people we serve and the people we engage throughout our services. We respect and value differences in regard to nationality, race, culture, gender, sexual orientation, religious beliefs, social background, disability, family or marital status, age or political opinion.
All of our people are responsible to ensure that our culture and environment demonstrates respect for diversity and is welcoming and inclusive. Whilst clients and their families may have different views which influence their choice of care and services, we nevertheless expect all within our community to treat others with dignity.
Benetas is committed to improve Diversity and Inclusion outcomes through:
- Providing access and equity to all - Benetas continually strives to create a culture of respect and dignity for our clients, their families, our staff, volunteers and supporters. Benetas ensures that our policies, procedures and systems reduce barriers to equality and access to participation at all levels of the organisation. Similarly, Benetas is committed to provide access and equity to clients seeking our services regardless of their background or how they may identify.
- Focussing on disadvantaged and/or vulnerable groups - Benetas takes action to eliminate discrimination and intolerance. We seek to reduce barriers and take proactive initiatives to welcome those who have traditionally been disadvantaged or marginalised.
- Promoting respect for Diversity and Inclusion - Benetas will actively develop an inclusive culture that is respectful and welcoming of diversity in order to promote social cohesion and participation, increase understanding and respect for differences, and build trust and cooperation amongst its people and stakeholders.